Embracing Your True Self: Understanding the Illusion of Character

Have you ever felt like there are two versions of yourself? One that you present to the world and another that is your true self? This feeling is common, but it’s important to realize that the idea of a separate character is just that – an idea. It’s a creation of our minds.

In the teachings of Bentinho, he explains that there is only one you. The character you think you are is a result of not staying connected to your own consciousness. It’s like wearing a mask that hides your true self. But why do we create this mask in the first place?

Initially, it’s helpful to see ourselves as separate from our persona. It allows us to become the observer of our thoughts and actions. This is a step towards higher consciousness, where we can work with our tendencies and patterns. However, there comes a point where this separation needs to collapse back into the realization that there is only one you.

This is where empowerment and enlightenment meet. When you are fully empowered, you no longer create a second version of yourself. You are in the ‘I am’ – aware of yourself, your unity, and your singleness. This is the state of total responsibility. It’s not about being responsible for everything that happens, but realizing that you are choosing everything you think, feel, and do.

The character we create is just a thought form. It’s not who we truly are. Our world is a reflection of our lack of will, our lack of focus on ourselves. When we realize this, we can start to see that the world is only a product of our mind. It’s a result of our awareness being filtered through a lack of will.

In higher teachings, it is said that the world doesn’t exist apart from our perception of it. This might sound strange, but it’s a recognition that we’ve never experienced the world apart from our own perspective. This is the beginning of true self-awareness.

As we progress on our spiritual journey, we move towards the unified self, or what Bentinho refers to as the sixth density. In this state, there is no character anymore. Everything below this level is just a projection, a product of a lack of self-knowledge. But in the sixth density, we are a unified ‘I am’, still individuated but at the core of all our projections.

In summary, the character we identify with is just a creation of our minds. It’s a mask that hides our true self. But by realizing this and focusing on our own consciousness, we can begin to dissolve this illusion. We can embrace our true self and live from a place of unity and empowerment.


“The character is a thought form; it’s not you. The world is a product of my lack of will.” – Bentinho Massaro

Spiritual Reference:

“Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10 (Bible)

This verse reminds us of the importance of stillness and self-awareness in recognizing our true nature.

Summary Points

  • The “character” you play in life is a mental construct, not your true self. It’s a result of not being fully present and connected to your consciousness.
  • Enlightenment involves dissolving the illusion of your character and reconnecting with your true essence – the observer or “I am.”
  • We have the power to shape our reality. Taking “total responsibility” means recognizing you are continuously choosing what you think, say, feel, and focus on.

Actions the Reader Can Take

  • Start noticing your own “character.” Observe your thoughts, behaviors, and self-talk. What sort of person do they reveal?
  • Practice staying present. Bring your attention back to the “I am,” your witnessing consciousness. Simple mindfulness practices can help with this.
  • Experiment with taking ownership. Notice where you can choose differently – your thoughts, your words, your reactions. See how these choices impact your experiences.