The Truth About Addictions: Seeing Beyond the Surface

Life is full of unexpected challenges, moments of despair, and sometimes, heart-wrenching revelations. Imagine the turmoil of a parent discovering their son’s struggle with heroin. This scenario is unfortunately too familiar for many families. Yet, within every challenge lies an opportunity, a perspective shift that can redefine the narrative and bring hope even in the face of despair.

One such perspective comes from Bentinho, who once had an enlightening conversation with a distressed mother. She sought answers, solutions, and a way out for her son, but Ben offered something more profound – a different lens to view addiction.

What serves one person might not always look pleasant in society’s eyes.” Ben said. The essence of this statement lies in the understanding that life journeys are unique. The path that one chooses, even if it includes addiction, may be a part of their spiritual journey. While societal judgments label it as a downfall, there might be deeper spiritual workings that we fail to see.

It’s a paradoxical notion, but to truly help someone, we must often let go of our need to control their journey. By respecting their free will and offering tools, love, and support, we can be a beacon of hope rather than a force of resistance.

In the face of addiction, it is crucial to recognize that every individual has an emotional guidance system. When someone feels pain or despair, it is often an indication of a misalignment between their current perspective and their inner truth. As Ben suggests, one of the most powerful things we can do for our loved ones is to help them recognize this system. By understanding their emotions and realigning their perspectives, they can find balance, power, and perhaps, even liberation.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9. This biblical reference encapsulates the essence of the conversation. We must remember that we can’t fully comprehend the grand design, the higher perspective that governs our existence. Our limited view often clouds our understanding, and we become fixated on changing what we perceive as wrong. Yet, true power and transformation come from acceptance and unconditional love.

To quote a wise sentiment, “The true challenge is not to save someone from their journey but to enlighten it, offering them more choices and perspectives.” – Author Unknown

In the end, we must remember that each person is on their journey, guided by a higher consciousness. Our role is to support, offer love, and shed light on their path, empowering them to make choices that resonate with their truth.