Happiness. We all crave it, yearn for it, and chase after it in different forms. But the pursuit of happiness can often be a maze, leading us in circles, unless we understand its deeper essence.

Bentinho brings forth the idea that our true nature is happiness. Most of us begin with a simple desire: we just want to feel good. Whether it’s a moment of tranquility, the rush of joy, or the deep serenity of peace, it all boils down to wanting to be happy.

As children, our wants and needs are straightforward. Choosing between ice cream flavors can dictate our happiness. But as we grow older, societal expectations and self-imposed responsibilities often mask our innate desire for causeless joy. Bentinho often refers to the societal conditioning that suppresses our true nature. We become wary of displaying our happiness, especially in front of those who might be suffering, out of a misplaced sense of decorum.

This leads many to seek happiness in the form of success or external validation. There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting success, but if it becomes our only gateway to happiness, we’re on shaky ground. Happiness that’s tied to conditions is fleeting.

For many, the turning point comes with maturity – often resulting from suffering. It’s a paradox: while we don’t wish suffering upon anyone, it can be a potent catalyst for growth. Through these struggles, Bentinho suggests, we can reorient our focus and realign with our true self. He emphasizes listening to those subtle cues, the intuitive nudges that guide us back to alignment.

The journey to authentic happiness requires introspection, understanding, and a return to our true self. It’s about finding joy not in the external world but within. For, as the Bible reminds us in Proverbs 17:22, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

“Happiness is not the result of external conditions but a result of internal alignment.” – Unknown

Bible Quote: “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22