Bentinho Massaro, frequently delves into the depths of our existence and the nature of reality. His teaching sheds light on the intricate dance between form and formlessness, drawing an analogy between the gold and the ring, the fabric and the shape of a shirt. The essence of his teaching on this topic can be extracted from a recent discourse.
Ben explains, “God is fundamental. It’s intrinsic. The distinction lies not in the shape of the shirt, but its fabric. Not in the design of the ring, but in its gold essence. We often get entrapped by the illusions of form, becoming enamored by the external shapes, labels, and interpretations. By doing so, we divert from the innate light of God, the very essence that permeates through the illusion.”
This speaks to a profound realization. Beneath the myriad of forms, labels, and appearances, there exists a fabric, a foundational truth that is omnipresent. It is not about the statues, gurus, or pictures that represent divinity. It’s about recognizing God in its formlessness, the ever-present space of existence that remains constant amidst our changing emotions and states.
Ben has often described this state as “quantum acceptance.” A realization that everything is already accepted, including our non-acceptance. God isn’t confined to a particular house, land, or planet. It isn’t bound by cultural norms or specific moral values. God is the ever-present energy, listening, speaking, and experiencing itself through the illusion of duality.
It’s about moving beyond the mind’s tendency to label, discern, and interpret. It’s realizing that our experiences aren’t about the external world, but rather, how we perceive and interpret it through our consciousness. Drawing parallels with our dreams, Bentinho illustrates how the ‘waking dream’ of our reality is not so different from the dreams we experience at night.
In this awakening, one’s identity shifts. It moves from the temporary, ever-changing world of forms to the timeless essence. Our preferences and biases remain, as Ben humorously points out with his aversion to goat cheese. But these transient experiences don’t define our true self. Instead, our identity aligns more with the universal presence, the non-dual essence of all that exists.
But what does this realization mean for our day-to-day lives? In essence, it translates to self-acceptance. By recognizing the little “gremlins” or programmed interpretations in our mind and accepting them, we move closer to the formless understanding of our existence. This shift from self-judgment to acceptance is synonymous with transitioning from a form-focused mindset to a formless state of being.
In conclusion, the journey from form to formlessness, from appearance to essence, is a profound realization of our true nature. As Ben aptly summarizes, “God is formless. Let’s rest with this understanding.”