“The essence of communication isn’t just about what we say but how present we are when we say it.”
– Anonymous

As we move through life, we engage in countless conversations every day. Yet, often, we get lost in the words, the descriptions, and the constant flow of thoughts, forgetting the core essence of who we are. Bentinho Massaro offers an intriguing perspective on this: when conversing with someone, it’s essential to remember the fundamental fact that you exist, without getting wrapped up in fleeting definitions or beliefs.

So, how does one maintain this awareness while communicating?

1. Recognize Your Existence: Before diving into a discussion or even thinking about the topic at hand, simply acknowledge the fact that you are here. No added ideas, just a simple, profound awareness of your own existence.

2. Let Go of Fear: Often, we’re too concerned about how we’re perceived, or what the other person thinks of us. This fear can cloud our true self. By acknowledging our fears and recognizing what we are not, we free ourselves to communicate from a place of genuine authenticity.

3. Prioritize Awareness Over Words: Sometimes, in our eagerness to connect, we project outward, seeking validation from the external world. Yet, Ben emphasizes the importance of turning inward, grounding ourselves in the unwavering awareness of our own being.

4. Practice Maintaining Presence: Engage in simple exercises, like looking into someone’s eyes without speaking, or repeating your name while staying rooted in the awareness of your existence. Over time, this practice strengthens our ability to stay present during conversations.

5. Embrace Oneness: When you truly root yourself in the consciousness of being, you start to perceive less of the separation between ‘you’ and ‘them’. This realization of oneness can profoundly impact the way we interact and communicate.

6. Understand the Illusion of Control: Many times, we believe we’re in control of our words and actions. Yet, in the grand scheme of things, Ben suggests that we’re merely channels of a greater intelligence, and by letting go of this illusion of control, our expressions become more effortless and harmonious.

In Proverbs (15:1), it’s said, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This reminds us of the power of our words and the importance of conscious communication.

Remember, communication isn’t just an exchange of words. It’s an exchange of presence. Every conversation is an opportunity to connect deeply, not just with another human being but with the very essence of who you are.

Quote for the Blog:
“The essence of communication isn’t just about what we say but how present we are when we say it.”
– Anonymous

Bible Reference:
Proverbs 15:1 – “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”