Daily Surrender

Daily practices for considering what you might want to surrender.  Find quiet in letting go.

Featured Card:

For all the Surrender Cards visit our sister site – ThothReadings.com
Check out our Surrender Blog on Morning Compass

How to Let Go of Defensiveness for Empowered Communication

Embracing Openness: How to Let Go of Defensiveness for Empowered Communication

Defensiveness often acts like a shield, guarding us against criticism or disagreement. However, this shield can become a barrier to genuine communication and growth. The Surrender Card encourages us to drop this guard and adopt a more empowered way of communicating. This involves staying centered, listening carefully, and responding clearly and non-defensively.

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Featured Video:

For more videos on Surrender Visit our YouTube Surrender Playlist
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Surrender Message:

Surrendering means letting go of our plans, and letting God/Universe have Their way in every aspect of our lives. Allowing Them to guide our steps and direct our decisions.

Surrender Blog:

Letting Go of Control: How to Foster Healthier Relationships

Have you ever felt like you just want to make everything and everyone around you do things your way? Guess what? You’re not alone! Wanting to control things is pretty normal, but when it comes to people, it’s a bit like trying to hold water in your hands – it just doesn’t work out well. Let’s chat about why it’s super cool to let go of that urge to control others and how you can do it.

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Letting Go of Expectations: Embracing Life’s Journey Without Attachment

Picture this: You’ve worked hard on a project. You’ve put in the time, the effort, and the heart. But the moment it’s done, you start worrying. Will it be a hit? What will people think? Stop right there! It’s time to talk about surrendering your attachment to results.

Ever felt like you’re running a race, eyes fixed on the finish line, but somehow you’re not enjoying the run? Well, you’re not alone! Today, we’re diving into the idea of “Surrender Your Attachment to Results” and how it can change the game for you.

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Embracing Life: How to Surrender to Your Passions

Surrender to Passion: Lighting the Fire Within

Have you ever felt that tingling excitement in your belly when you’re about to do something you love? It’s like a small flame that grows into a roaring fire, filling you with energy and joy. That, my friend, is the power of passion!

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Unlocking Your Potential: How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem

Embrace Your Worth: Letting Go of Low Self-Esteem

We’ve all been there at some point or another: doubting ourselves, questioning our worth, or feeling like we’re not enough. This feeling, often referred to as low self-esteem, can be a barrier that holds us back from our full potential. But the good news is, it’s something we can overcome.

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Embracing the Beauty of Nature: Tips to Connect and Surrender

Discovering the Tranquility: How to Truly Surrender to the Beauty of the Natural World

Nature’s beauty is not just in its picturesque landscapes and breathtaking vistas, but in the peace and calm it offers our souls. A gentle breeze, the rustling leaves, or the serene waves crashing on the shore can all offer us solace and a chance to reflect on our lives. Surrendering to nature doesn’t mean giving up, but rather letting go and allowing the world’s natural beauty to envelop and rejuvenate us.

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Unlocking Life’s Magic: How to Surrender to Spirit

The Power of “Surrender to Spirit”

We all have dreams and goals. Sometimes, despite our hardest efforts, it feels like we’re walking against the wind. It’s in these times that the card “Surrender to Spirit” whispers its age-old wisdom: “Let go and trust.”

Imagine sailing a boat. Sometimes, no matter how hard you push, the winds are not in your favor. So, what do you do? You adjust your sails, trust the wind, and flow with it. That’s what surrendering to the spirit is all about. Letting the divine winds guide us to places we’ve never imagined.

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