Rediscovering the Ground of Being
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often find ourselves caught up in the race of the mind. Society constantly directs our attention towards forms – people, places, things, and knowledge. It’s as if we’ve become so engrossed in the grass covering the ground that we’ve forgotten to see the ground itself. Bentinho Massaro’s insightful words remind us that the aim of self-realization or God realization is to mow the lawn and rediscover the formless Source. By letting go of all the concepts and attachments that have obscured our original state, we can uncover the timeless truth that lies beneath the surface.
To embark on the path of self-realization, we must momentarily forget the numerous aspects that define our human experience. It may seem challenging at first, but by releasing thoughts of relationships, possessions, and even our own identity, we can create space for the ground of being to emerge. By consciously letting go of the mind’s incessant chatter, we can shift our attention from external objects to the formless self – the subject of our existence.
As we detach from the world of forms and enter the realm of formless awareness, a subtle feeling arises within us. This is the essence of our being, the witness to our thoughts and experiences. It is a quality of consciousness that has remained unchanged throughout our lives. By focusing on this pure awareness, the mind turns inward upon itself, illuminating the path to self-realization.
Massaro advises us to make a radical commitment to dropping all thoughts for just a few seconds, experiencing a complete full stop. In those moments of stillness, we become intimately aware of our existence, declaring, “I am aware that I am aware” or “I am that I am.” This practice strengthens our connection with the eternal aspect of ourselves, gradually unveiling the Kingdom of Heaven within us.
Continued practice of this simple yet profound exercise allows the gate to the God state to open wide. We discover that we are not separate from the divine, but an expression of it. The more we relinquish attachment to the world and surrender to the formless, the more the infinite love, light, and clarity of the one infinite creator permeate our being. The illusions of the world become apparent, and we realize that our true nature is consciousness itself.
In a world consumed by the pursuit of forms, it is essential to remember the importance of mowing the lawn of our minds. By temporarily letting go of our attachments and redirecting our attention to the formless self, we can experience the joy, love, and light that are our birthright. Through dedication and practice, we open the gateway to self-realization and embrace the infinite nature of our being. It is an invitation to return to our original state, free from the distractions and limitations of the mind, and bask in the radiant beauty of our true essence.
Summary Points:
- Our minds are often cluttered with thoughts and worries, obscuring our true nature.
- Spiritual awakening involves momentarily forgetting our identities and mental constructs.
- The “I AM” presence is the unchanging observer that witnesses all experiences.
- A simple practice of stopping mental activity and focusing on the feeling of “I AM” can lead to spiritual awakening.
- This is a journey of gradually unfolding and deepening our connection to the divine presence within.
- Incorporate the Practice: Set aside a few moments each day to practice stopping mental activity and focusing on the feeling of “I AM.”
- Be Patient: Trust the process and understand that spiritual awakening is a gradual journey.
- Explore Further: Research meditation and mindfulness techniques to deepen your practice.
- Seek Guidance: If you feel called, seek out a spiritual teacher or mentor to support your journey.
- Embrace the Unknown: Be open to new experiences and perspectives as you connect with your true self.
- Share Your Experience: Connect with others who are also on a spiritual path to share your experiences and learn from theirs.