Connected to Your Calling: Embracing Your True Purpose
In the melody of life, understanding our calling—our true purpose—is akin to hearing a harmonious tune amid the noise. It’s crucial to recognize that our calling is distinct from the vehicles we choose to express it. For those new to this realization, distinguishing between our calling and the means of its expression can be a subtle art.
When we first identify our calling, it might manifest as an impulse to start a business, a project, or an organization. These are merely conduits for our purpose, not the purpose itself. It’s tempting to equate our calling with these activities, especially when they are novel and exciting. However, our calling is more profound and far-reaching than any single expression of it.
Imagine your calling as the essence of who you are—an unchangeable truth that exists independently of any action or creation. This realization empowers you to navigate life with grace and flexibility. Whether it’s changing jobs, starting new ventures, or altering your approach, these are merely adjustments to the vehicle, not changes to the destination itself.
For instance, you might feel a deep connection to uplifting humanity. This could take many forms: a non-profit organization, a series of workshops, or even a blog. Each of these is a vehicle—temporary and adaptable. What remains constant is the calling within you, urging you to inspire and connect with others.
It’s essential to remember that our calling is not linear. It does not follow a simple path from A to B. Instead, it is present in every moment, ready to be expressed through various means. This perspective helps us avoid becoming overly attached to one form or structure. Just as you might change cars over time, so too might the expression of your calling evolve.
Embracing your calling means understanding its independence from the vehicles you use to express it. It’s about recognizing the transient nature of how you fulfill your purpose while maintaining clarity about the immutable truth of who you are. This clarity allows you to adapt, shift, and grow without losing sight of your calling, ensuring that every step you take is aligned with your true purpose.
As we navigate our lives, let us not be constrained by the vehicles of our expressions but be guided by the constancy of our calling. This understanding not only brings personal fulfillment but also enables us to make impactful changes in the world around us.
Reflecting on this, Ecclesiastes 3:1 comes to mind: “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” This verse reminds us that there is a right time for every purpose, and our calling unfolds across different seasons and expressions in our lives.
Taoism: “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu
Hinduism: “The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.” – Alan Watts
Summary Points
- Your calling is an innate part of you, something you discover, not something you create.
- The ways you express your calling (jobs, projects, businesses) are like vehicles – they can change over time.
- Clinging too tightly to one specific expression of your calling can limit your growth and adaptability.
- Staying connected to your core purpose requires being present, flexible, and recognizing that you and your purpose are not one and the same.
- Reflect: Take some time to journal and consider what feels like your core calling. What brings you joy and a sense of deep fulfillment?
- Question: What is one current ‘vehicle’ (job, project, etc.) that you use to express your calling? Could you be over-identifying with it?
- Experiment: Is there a small way you could introduce more flexibility into how you express your calling? Maybe it’s through volunteering, a side project, or simply a new mindset to bring to your current work.
- Meditate: Take a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on the feeling your calling brings up within you. Observe without judgment, and simply notice where that feeling resides in your body.