Breaking Free from Objectification: Embrace Flow and Rediscover Your True Self
In life, we often find ourselves waiting—waiting for the perfect job, the ideal amount of money, the right partner, or the perfect timing. These “objects” of our desires can become obstacles, holding us back from stepping into our authentic selves. But what if the real key to fulfillment is not in waiting, but in moving? Moving forward despite circumstances, letting go of objectification, and embracing the flow of life as it comes.
Understanding Objectification
At its core, objectification isn’t just about how we view others but also how we view life’s circumstances. When we turn desires—money, success, relationships—into static objects that must be attained before we can act, they become barriers. These barriers aren’t real; they’re reflections of our internal postponements.
Imagine you believe you need $100,000 before pursuing your dream. This mindset objectifies money as a condition for your happiness. However, the truth is you can start moving toward your goal with what you have now. The process itself—living authentically, taking steps toward your dream—is far more fulfilling than the object you’re chasing.
As the text suggests: “The experience is what’s real; the symbol is just a moving target.”
The Flow of Authentic Action
When you stop waiting and start living authentically, life begins to mirror your inner state. Circumstances shift to support your movement, not because of magical thinking, but because your energy and focus are now aligned with your true self.
This idea aligns with the biblical principle in Matthew 6:33:
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Instead of chasing external symbols, focus on embodying your true self. The things you thought you needed will naturally fall into place—not as objects of obsession but as natural extensions of your alignment.
Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs often hold us in a cycle of disappointment. These beliefs tell us we need external validation or resources before we can act. Yet disappointment stems not from circumstances but from the gap between who we are and who we are meant to be.
The quote, “Disappointment is simply you not being who you’re meant to be,” reveals a profound truth. By moving forward in courage and faith, you close this gap, transforming disappointment into excitement.
The Freedom Beyond Objects
When you stop objectifying life—viewing it as a series of hurdles—you become free. Money, success, and recognition lose their grip because you no longer wait for them to define your actions. Instead, you act from a place of joy and purpose, and life reflects this freedom.
Consider this wisdom from spiritual teacher Thich Nhat Hanh:
“The way out is through mindfulness and wholehearted presence.”
Being present removes the power objects have over you, allowing you to act with intention and clarity.
So how can we start moving away from this objectification?
- Recognize What’s Real: Understand that money, jobs, or possessions are merely symbols. They don’t define your joy or your worth. Your state of being is what truly matters.
- Act Without Waiting: Don’t wait for external changes to make internal shifts. Start living as if you already have what you desire. Act in ways that reflect your true self now, not later.
- Flow, Don’t Fight: Life is like a river. When you paddle against the current, you tire yourself out. But if you flow with it, you’ll find it carries you to where you need to be, often with less effort.
- Embrace Your Disappointments: If your life feels disappointing now, see it as an opportunity to start moving. The more you act from your true self, the less life will feel like a disappointment.
- Be in the Moment: Focus on the now, not on what you think should happen later. Enjoy the process because that’s where life’s richness lies.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” – William James
Summary Points:
- Objectification is a Trap: We often turn things, people, and experiences into objects, believing they hold the key to our happiness. This creates a cycle of wanting and dissatisfaction.
- True Freedom is Internal: Real joy and fulfillment aren’t found in external things, but within ourselves.
- Let Go of Attachments: Releasing our attachment to external validation allows us to connect with our true worth and experience inner peace.
- Awareness is Key: Recognize when you are objectifying things and challenge those patterns of thought.
- Embrace the Journey: The path to inner freedom may be challenging, but it’s the most rewarding journey you’ll ever take.
Actions to Take:
- Practice Mindfulness: Become more present and aware of your thoughts and feelings. Notice when you are focusing on external objects as a source of happiness.
- Gratitude Journal: Cultivate gratitude for what you already have in your life. This shifts your focus from lack to abundance.
- Self-Reflection: Spend time in introspection, exploring your values, passions, and desires. This helps you connect with your authentic self.
- Challenge Limiting Beliefs: Identify and challenge any beliefs that tell you your worth is dependent on external factors.
- Act on Your Joy: Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, regardless of external rewards or recognition.
- Affirm Your Worth: Repeat affirmations that remind you of your inherent value and worthiness.
- Seek Support: Connect with like-minded individuals or a spiritual mentor who can support you on your journey.